French and English voice over for the Center Parcs advertisements

Last May, VOA Voice Studios did this advertisement for Center Parcs, which was released on the web and social networks.

“Nature is fun”:  that’s the message of this original communications campaign that focuses on the partnership between the famous vacation camps and Paris Saint-Germain. The campaign is by Ucorp in collaboration with VOA Voice Studios for the voice over.

VOA Voice Studios took care of the voice over casting, the recording in French and English as well as sound post-production for the project.

High-level voice over, as always! The proof, in images!


 Logo Center parcs Voice OverProject : Spot publicitaire Web pour Center Parcs
Production : Agence Ucorp
Recording : Studios VOA - VOA Voice Studios
French Voice Over Talent : Hervé
English Voice Over TaLent : Bruce
Vidéo : Le Paris Saint-Germain envoie son meilleur élément à Center Parcs from centerparcsfr on Youtube



Posted on April 29, 2014 in Extract broadcasted by the client, Spots Web, VOA Voice studios Productions

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