Voice Over and Color Correction of a documentary on Quebec, broadcast on the French channel TF1

Voice Over, Mixing and Color Correction of a documentary on Quebec, broadcast on the French channel TF1

Voice over and Color Correction - TF1 Reportages Quebec © Programme-tv.nouvelobs.com

TF1 Reportages Québec
© Programme-tv.nouvelobs.com

In December, the French channel TF1 broadcasted a beautiful documentary about Quebec, of which VOA VOICE STUDIOS produced the voice over and the video post-production.

It’s the production society Babel Press which entrusted VOA VOICE STUDIOS Miami in making the voice over’s of the television coverage as well as the audio mixing, color correction and, the Broadcast Ready file, for the French channel named TF1.

When the Quebec winter is coming in studios, we can count on the VOA VOICE STUDIOS team to warm the atmosphere with beautiful images and voices !

Projet : Reportage TF1 - 4 saisons au Québec
Direction : Babel Press
Recording, Mixing, Video Post-production : VOA Voice Studios - Miami


Posted on January 15, 2015 in TV, VOA Voice studios Productions

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