French Voice Over for Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean 3D film

French Voice Over for Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean 3D film

A french voice-over to discover a secret world within the ocean!


VOA VOICE STUDIOS brings you to the ocean’s depths with the making of the Narration, and the voice-over of the 3D trailer for the documentary : Secret Ocean, directed by Jean-Michel Cousteau!

The company 3D Entertainment trusts VOA Voice Studios with the casting and the recording of the french voice over of this project.

A spectacular IMAX documentary presented to the TELUS Montreal Science Centre!


Video : L'Océan Secret 3D de Jean-Michel Cousteau
from Centre des sciences de Montréal on Youtube
Project : Voice Over Secret Ocean 3D by Jean-Michel Cousteau 
Production : 3D Entertainment
Voice Over: VOA VOICE STUDIOS - Paris
Talent : Sylvie F 



Posted on December 7, 2015 in Documentary, Extract broadcasted by the client, Narration

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